Dear ACIEK participant, Today we have the honor to present you our Editor-in-Chief video from Journal of Business Research (JBR) and ACIEK President: Naveen Donthu. This video is an opportunity to get an opinion about ACIEK and for us it is an honor to show the enriching words of Naveen ...
Dear participant, This year we want to provide you the opportunity to participate in our working groups (Interest Groups Talks). We would like to create an environment of continuous learning that makes it easier for you to reflect on your own academic and professional activities, and in which you can ...
Dear ACIEK participants, Today we have the honor to present you our Editor-in-Chief video from International Journal of Entrepreneurship & Small Business (IJESB) and Co-Editor of Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy: LEO PAUL DANA. This video is an opportunity to get an opinion about ...
Dear ACIEK participants, Today we have the honor to present you our Editor’s video from Journal of Small Business Strategy (JSBS): WILLIAM MCDOWELL. This video is an opportunity to get an opinion about ACIEK and for us it is an honor to show the enriching words of William Mcdowell who ...
Given the impact of COVID-19 and the current global uncertainty surrounding travel due to the pandemic, the 14th ACIEK Conference (June 2021) will be held as ACIEK 2021-Sorbonne Virtual Conference (on streaming and/or pre-recorded, this will depend on participants). We have no option but to adapt since we are aware ...
We are going to present you a detailed review of how you should complete your subscription to our ACIEK’s platform (Paper manager).Log in here: Once you click on it, this page will appear. Here it is possible to access using last conference (2020) credentials if you were a participant. If ...
Dear ACIEK family, If you are working on the extended abstract for our Conference, please, take a look to the following information, because it is very important to accomplish these rules.The extended abstract must have a length between 250 to 750 words.In the beginning you must write: Title Author/Co-author’s names ...
Today we have the honor to present you our second Editor’s video from IEMJ: DANIEL PALACIOS-MARQUÉS. This video is an opportunity to get an opinion about ACIEK and for us it is an honor to show the enriching words of Daniel Palacios who has been present in past editions of ...
Today we have the pleasure to present you our first member of the Organising Committee:Jerome Caby• He is Full Professor chez IAE Paris – Sorbonne Business School.• Currently he is part of the Organising Committee of ACIEK Conference 2021. This video is an opportunity to get an opinion about ACIEK ...