Full Paper and Extended Abstract
The 2024 Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge Conference guidelines offer a resource for authors when preparing their manuscripts for the Conference. Authors should follow these guidelines for extended abstracts and full papers.
General instructions
All submissions must be written in English (either American or British English is allowed, but not a mixture of the two).
Each participant may submit only one paper to the Conference (individually or in collaboration with other co-authors).
Some journals have papers restricted to a specific special issue; and other journals have it open to any general topic according to the journal itself (special issues are specified in the selection during paper submission).
Selected reviewers will review all submissions. These reviewers will make the final decisions regarding which papers are accepted for presentation at the Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge Conference.
Authors must pay the Conference registration fee before presenting the paper in the parallel sessions.
The best papers presented at the Conference will receive a recommendation for publication in special issues in the participating journals. The Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge offers special issues in SSCI/JCR-ranked journals (WoS by Clarivate Analytics) and other prestigious journals.
Submissions must use Times New Roman font.
* The Conference thanks all authors/participants who are requested to review papers for their time and support in helping the authors of other papers. Any refusal to review papers may also have knock-on effects on the review of authors/participants’ own papers. The collaboration and time of authors/participants provide the foundations for a successful Conference, as well as enhancing and helping with the publication of Conference papers